Year 2025
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI Building: Rehabilitation of ITDI Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) (Incore Builders & Development.)
- Renovation of Microflow Labaratory in relation to the Project "Facility for optimized calibration of infusion system (FOCUS)(ENSA Builders & Construction.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Graphite Furnace and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (with Accessories) (INSTRUMIX SUPPLIER INC.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Redundancy of Existing HP Procurve switch 5406zl for high availability and server capability (Upgraded version HPE Aruba Networking 5406 z12)(MICROGENESIS BUSINESS SYSTEMS.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Building Upgrading the Electrical System of the Food Process Division (FPD)(Vibrant Communications Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (2) sets Gauge Blocks (MESCO INC.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Paste Extrusion 3D Printer system (GEMARC ENTERPRISE INCORPORATED.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Concrete 3D Printer with continuous feeding system and pumping system (GABIGROUP INC.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Pellet 3D Printer (DIGITAL MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS INC.)
Year 2024
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Portable 3D Scanner (Norde International Distributors.)
- Rehabilitation of FPD Pilot Plant Loading Bay as Demoarea for Mobile Modular Food Processing Facility (MMFPF) - Aseptic Processing Module (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope with EDX and EBSD detector analyzer (Jatec Philippines Corporation)
- Upgrading of the Electrical Systems of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD) Building- (Vibrant Communication Inc)
- Repair/Renovation of the selected Rooms/Laboratory of the Standard and Testing Division (STD) Building- (ENSA Builders & Construction)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings (Brick House): Consulting Services for the Electrical Assessment and Design for Upgrading of Electrical System of the FPD, MSD, and Pharmaceuticals Buildings- (LMPR Electrical Supplies and Services)
- Repair/Renovation of of EBD Pilot Plant for the Establsihment of the Biodgradability Eco-Toxicity and Compostability Laboratory (BEC-LAB)-(RITVIT Construction & Development Corporation)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings CED Therapeutic Laboratory and Staff Room-(Parametric Engineering)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings (Brick House) Consulting Services for the Detailed Design of the Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) Laboratory with Positive and Negative Pressure Rooms -(Asyana Construction Consultancy)
- Repair/Renovation of the Old Pharmaceutical Secton Laboratory (Brick House) of the Chemicals and Energy Division (CED) DOST-ITDI to Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) Laboratory with Positive and Negative Pressure Rooms for the Implementation of the Virologoy and Vaccine Research Development Program (VRP) -(Cisco Engineering Industries)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot SDS PAGE with accessories for Western Blot System- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Refrigerated Centrifuge System- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot High-Pressure Homogenizer System- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot - 150 degrees Ultra Low Freezer- (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Vacuum Glove Box with Pass Box- (Katrin Field Incorporated)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit In-Line Liquid Reagent Integrated Dispensing System- (Pro Maintech Consultancy Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot High Throughput/Output 3D Printing Filament Extruder Line- (Gabi Group, Inc)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings (Brick House): Consulting Services for the Electrical Assessment and Design for Upgrading of Electrical System of the FPD, MSD, and Pharmaceuticals Buildings- (LMPR Electrical Supplies and Services)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings (Brick House): Consulting Services for the Detailed Design of the Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) Laboratory with Positive and Negative Pressure Rooms- (Asyana Construction Consultancy & Trading)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Direct Mercury Analyzer (Thermal Decomposition, Amalgamation and AAS)- (Dynalab Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery of One (1) lot Customized QPCR Kit- (Yana Chemodities, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Microwave Digestion System- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Fabrication, Installation and Delivery of One (1) unit Protein Purification System- (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Supply, Fabrication, Installation and Delivery of One (1) unit 32 Footer Customized Truck (Aseptic Module) - Mobile Modular Food Processing Facility (MMFPF)- (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Real Time PCR Machine- (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) - (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of STD Facilities, Including Main Door and Insectary- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of GPL, SPTL, Pilot Plant, and PTD Main Building- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of Exterior Walls, Conference Rooms and Office of the Chief (OC) of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD)- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Microwave Digestion System- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit High Performance Liquid - (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of Storage Facility for COA Documents - (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Ultraflow Freezer (80 degree celsius)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Phase Contrast Inverted Microscope
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Microcentrifuge
Year 2023
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) lot Fuel Cell Test Station
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Gel Documentation System
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Inhalation Exposure Equipment/System (with Complete Accessories)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit PM Mass Monitor
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Semi Micro Analytical Balance
- Repair and Renovation of Admin and Finance Division (ADM-FMD) Metrology Building
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Five (5) units Boom Crane Truck (Articulated)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) lot TGA with Gas Transfer Line Compatible with Perkin Clarus GC-MS
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit UHPLC-MALDI-TOF
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- Renovation of 2nd Floor, Upper Ground Floor Person with Disability (PWD) & Lower Ground Floor Restroom Including Slop Sinks & Division Chief's Pantry in the Environment and Biotechnology Division(EBD)
- Installation, Assembly, Testing, and Commissioning of Streetlights Adjacent to ITDI Building
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Ion Chromatography System for Anions and Cations
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit X-ray Crystallography
- Renovation of Laboratories (Sequencing and Microbiology Room)
- Renovation of Cell Culture Laboratory
- Repair and Renovation of the Food Safety Laboratory in Standards and Testing Division (STD)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Photodiode Array Detector
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) lot Simulation Software
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography MS/MS
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (PDA, Fluorescence, RID with Post-Derivatization Unit)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit complete set UHT/HTST Aseptic Processing and Packaging Line for Processing of Different Liquid Food Products both Viscous and Non-Viscous such as Dairy Milk; Vegetable, Juices, and Purees; Coconut, water, milk and cream broths, soups and gravies at a capacity of 100 liters per hour or higher
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit HDT/VICAT Testing Machine
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Hepa Negative System for Existing Laboratory
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) X-ray Fluorescence Spectometer
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Benchtop Automated DNA Extraction System
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Protein Separator & Immunodetection Systems
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Flow Cytomerter with Cell Sorter
- Repair/Renovation of the National Metrology Laboratory (NML) Building
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Gene Synthesizer
- Labor, Materials, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Fabrication of Wind Tunnel Assembly (Modular Design)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Type 1 (Ultra Pure Water System)
- One (1) unit Automated Surface Plasmon Resonance Refractometer
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Laboratory Side Table (Hot room)
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Optical Microscope
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) lot Laser Doppler Anemometer System
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of RT-PCR Thermal Cycler
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Vibration and Shock Data Acquisition Data Logger
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Liquid Nitrogen Generator
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Western Bolt Processor
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Generator Set
- Repair/Renovation of Selected Offices and Laboratory Metrology Bldg.
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Two (2) units Generator Set
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Generator Set
- Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of One (1) pc Electric Deep Frying Machine (off-the-shelf)
- Repair and Renovation of DOST-ITDI Knowledge Management (KM) Platform for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Culture and Arts (DOST-ITDI KM-STICA)
Year 2022
- Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Machine
- Repair and Maintenance, Improvement of ITDI Buildings: Repair/Renovation of West Wing comfort rooms and Construction of New Septic Tank of the Standards and Testing Divisions (STD)
- Repair and Maintenance, Improvement of ITDI Buildings: Materials Science Division (MSD) Office and Laboratories Facilities
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Consulting Services for the Detailed Design of the Lower ground of the SPTL and GPL Building for the Establishment of the Packaging and Testing Laboratory of the Packaging Technology Division
- Consulting Services for Electrical Assessment and Design for Upgrading Electrical System of the Environmental and Biotechnology Division (EBD), ITDI-DOST, Bicutan, Taguig City
- Repair of the Thermal Processing Facility at FPD Pilot Plant
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Upgrading of ITDI-Materials Science Division Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Repair/Renovation of the Selected Offices/ Staff Rooms, Laboratories and Facilities of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD)
- Repair and Waterproofing of Selected Areas of the FPD Building
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Installation of Perimeter Fencing Along ITDI Facilities
- Repair/Renovation of Packaging and Testing Division (PTD) Building
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Rehabilitation of Electrical System of the Standards & Testing Division (STD) Building
- Repair/Renovation of National Metrology Laboratory Building (NML)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Upgrading of ITDI - Materials Science Division Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Generator set, 500kVa
- Contract for Janitorial Services
- Truck and Customization of Truck
- WF Universal Pulverizer
- Multi-process Pilot/Laboratory/R&D Retort or Autoclave with Overpressure (counterpressure) for thermal processing bottled, canned and pouched food products
- Supply, installation, and commissioning of the SFT-120XW Supercritical Fluid Extractor
- Truck and Customization of Truck
- Truck and Customization of Truck
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) lot Retort, Water Spray (Fully Automatic)
- Multipurpose Van, Isuzu 100P 4X2 (EURO 4)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Gas Filter Correlation CO Analyzer (BP Integrated Technologies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1)Heavy Duty Autoclave with Integrated Steam Generator (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Multipurpose Vehicle (Toyota Pasong Tamo, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Passenger Van (Toyota Pasong Tamo, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Inverted Microscope (Goldquest Biotechnologies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Confocal Microscope (Goldquest Biotechnologies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Next-Generator Sequencer (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit of Ultralow Freezer (Drake Marketing and Equipment Corporation)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) Vacuum Fryer (off-the-shelf) (Machinelab Technology, Inc.)
- Cabinet Dryer (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of Two (2) lot Solidworks Software License (Maximum Solutions Corporation)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) lot Flourescent Cell Imager (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Flow Cytometer (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) set Sanger Sequencer (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) set Transfection System (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Double-Head Standards PCR Machine (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Gel Documentation System (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Gel Documentation System with Colony Counting Feature (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) set Automated Electrophoresis System (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Spectrophotometer nanoscale (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit QRT-PCR with Complete Accessories (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Microwave Extractor for Fragrances (Guill-Bern Corporation)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit High Speed Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge Floor Mount (Molave Trading, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Shimadzu Universal Testing Machine (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge (Floor Type) with Different Rotor (Molave Trading, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Biological Safety Cabinet (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Sequencer (Diamed Enterprise)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge (Molave Trading, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Citrus Cold Storage in Agrizkaya Cooperative Federation in Bambang, Nueva Ecija (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Shimadzu Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge (Floor type) with Different Rotor (Molave Trading, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Biological Safety Cabinet III (Drake Marketing and Equipment Corporation)
- Supply, delivery, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Fumehood (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) unit Ultralow Freezer (-80 degree celsius) (Molave Trading, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge (Floor Type) with Different Rotor (Molave Trading, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation, and commissioning of One (1) lot Florescent Cell Imager (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Microtome (Maedan Enterprise, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage in Agrizkaya Cooperative Federation in Bambang, Nueva Ecija (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in ITDI-PTD Bicutan, Taguig City (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Pre-cooling Chamber in Agrizkaya Cooperative Federation in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in Davao Food Terminal Complex in Davao City (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of Two (2) lot Solidworks Software License (Maximum Solutions Corporation)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in Sapang Multi-purpose Cooperative in Moncada Tarlac (Merit Stainless Steel, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Pre-Cooling Chamber in Benguet Cold Chain, La Trinidad, Benguet (Merit Stainless Steel, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Curing Storage Room in Sapang Multi-purpose Cooperative in Moncada Tarlac (Merit Stainless Steel, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery, and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in Benguet Cold Chain, La Trinidad, Benguet (Merit Stainless Steel, Inc.)
- Olympus Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Model: FV3000 (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Crossover Utility Vehicle (CUV) (Toyota Bicutan Parañaque)
- Supply, delivery, labor, installation and commissioning of One (1) unit Passenger Van (Toyota Pasong Tamo, Inc.)
- One (1) lot Shimadzu Automatic Flowtester Capillary Rheometer (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Multimode Microplate Reader Clariostar Plus, BMG Labtech- 1 unit (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Portable Gene Sequencer- 2 units (Diamed Enterprise)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Lyophilizer (ITS Science (Phils.) Inc.)
- Thermo Fisher Scientific 4351105- 1 Unit (Medical Test Systems Inc.)
- Electrospinning Machine, Vertical Set-up, Automated TL-OMNI (Alvtechnologies Philippines, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Rehabilitation of Electrical System of the Standards and Testing Division (STD) (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of National Metrology Building (NML) (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Building - Upgrading/Expansion of the ITDI Laboratory Animal Facilities (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of the Selected Offices/Staff Rooms, Laboratories and Facilities of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD) (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Shimadzu Automatic Flowtester Capillary Rheometer (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Building - Waterproofing of Concrete Roofing at MMIC/CED Building (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
Year 2020
- Hydraulic Random Vibration Test System- 1 lot (Clean World)
- Ion Chromatography for Anion and Cation Determination- 1 lot (Electrobyte)
- Hydraulic Vertical Random Vibration Test System- (EECC Electrobyte )
- Mixer for Powder and Accessories- 1 Lot (Repassa Foodgrade Industrial Supplies Corp)
- 8 1-2 Digit Multimeter- 2 units (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Contract for the Procurement of Janitorial Services
- DC Reference Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- DC Voltage Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Amplifier for Multifunction Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Multifunction Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- AC/DC Transfer Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Microsoft Domain Controller and Client Access - 1 Lot (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- 8 1/2 Digit Multimeter - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- 7 1/2 Digital Nanovolt Meter - 2 Units (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Transconductance Amplifier - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Reference Transfer Standard - 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Antivirus Subscription- 500 Units (Commsource Systems and Integrated Solutions, Inc.)
- Rack Mount Server - 4 Units (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- Network Firewall - 1 Unit (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- 166 license Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OLP License - 1 Lot (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- 166 license Microsoft Office 2019 Standard Open License Program (OLP - Perpetual License) and 42 license Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus OPen License Program (OLP - Perpetual License) - 1 Lot (Tekzone Computer Sales and Services, Inc.)
- 8 1/2 Digital Multimeter - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- AC Shunts - 1 Lot (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Shunts - 5 Units (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Amplifier - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Multi-Function Calibrator - 2 Units (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- AC Measurement Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- AC/DC Transfer Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Null Detector- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Resistance Standard- 4 Units (Labtraders, Inc.)
- Resistance Standard Air Type- 18 Units (Labtraders, Inc.)
- DC Voltage Standards and DC Reference Standards- 4 Units (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- 16-Channel Low Thermal Quad Scanner - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Automated Potentiometer Binary Voltage Divider - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Bench-Top Oil Bath - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- DCC Bridge High Current Range Extenders - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- DCC Resistance Bridge - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Hamon Type Resistance Transfer - 1 Lot (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Standard Resistor, Oil-Type - 12 Units (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Standard Resistor, Air-Type - 6 Units (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Temperature Controlled Standard Resistor Air Bath - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Transfer Standard DMM 8 1/2 Multimeter - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Desktop Computer with UPS - 158 Units (Tekzone Computer Sales and Services, Inc.)
- Incubator and Accessories - 4 Units (Golden Bat(Far East), Inc.)
- Automatic Colony Counter - 1 Unit (Golden Bat(Far East), Inc.)
- Freeze Drying Unit - 1 Unit (Dakila Trading Corp.)
- HPLC and Accessories - 1 Lot (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) System - 1 Lot (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Storage Chamber - 1 Lot (Yana Chemodities, Inc.)
- Molecular Detection System - 1 Lot (GRB Enterprises)
- Respiration Meter for Fresh Produce - 1 Lot (Systems Controls Instrumentations, Inc.)
- Freeze Dryer - 1 Unit (Dakila Trading Corporation)
- Gas Chromatography Spectrometer - 1 Lot (ITS Science Phil., Inc.)