The Standards and Testing Division (STD) is one of the divisions of the Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) dedicated to rendering technical services to public, private institutions and individuals. The STD is covered by the Philippine Civil Service Commission (CSC) rules and regulations. It has various laboratory accreditations and recognitions, e.g.  HFSRB-DOH, FDA, BPS-DTI, BAI-DA, PALAS, BOC-PRC, and CPDC-PRC.



  • Plan, coordinate and provide biological, chemical, and physical and performance testing of materials and products;
  • Verify standard test methods, validate non-standard test methods, and develop in-house methods to keep abreast with developments and requirements of various industries;
  • Participate in projects of other entities relevant to standards and testing; 
  • Contribute in the planning and implementation of the ITDI’s programs and projects;
  • Develop, implement and coordinate activities on the production of in-house quality control materials;
  • Provide proficiency testing services or interlaboratory comparisons to laboratories; and
  • Issue Formula of Conversion (FOC) certificates for tax and duty drawbacks.




  • a laboratory which is composed of three sections, the Entomology Section (ES), Microbiology Section (MIC) and the Pharmacology and Toxicology Section (PTS).
    • The Entomology Section (ES) conducts entomological testing of pesticides, household insecticides and natural products of efficacy against various insects, e.g. mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches. It uses World Health Organization (WHO) test methods. Its analysts are accredited under the Fertilizers and Pesticides (FPA).
    • The Microbiology Section (MIC) conducts microbiological testing of food, water, cosmetics, disinfectant/biological products or devices, natural products, herbal products, packaging materials and allied products. Its test methods are based on standard test methods for the examination of water and wastewater, bacteriological analytical manual, and food analysis manual. It is accredited under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for food and beverage samples
    • The Pharmacology and Toxicology Section (PTS) conducts pharmacological, toxicological and bioefficacy testing of plant extracts, biologicals, chemical formulations, pesticides, insecticides, food supplements, drugs, pharmaceutical products, herbal drug and preparations, and cosmetics. Its test methods are based on Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is an accredited laboratory under the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) of the Department of Agriculture (BAI-DA) for the compliance under the Animal Welfare Act, RA 8485. It is also accredited by the Philippine Association of the Laboratory Animal Science (PALAS).


  • a laboratory which is composed of two sections, the Inorganic Chemistry Section and the Organic Chemistry Section.
    • The Inorganic Chemistry Section (ICS) conducts testing of water and wastewater, environmental samples, construction materials, chemical specialties, and end use products. It houses advance instrumentation on Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Ion Chromatography System, Gas Chromatography System - Photoionization Detector, Direct Mercury Analyzer, Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometer, among others. It is accredited under the Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau of the Department of Health (HFSRB-DOH) for drinking water testing and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for bottled water testing.
    • The Organic Chemistry Section (OCS) conducts testing of foods, feeds, beverages, natural products, fuels, paints and organic chemicals. It houses advance instrumentation on Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, High performance Liquid Chromatography System, Gas Chromatography System - Flame Ionization Detector, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, among others. It is accredited under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for food and beverage samples.


  • a laboratory which determines physical properties of materials such as rubber and leather, plastics and polymers, engineering and construction materials, packaging materials, adhesives and sealants, office supplies, and concrete. It also conducts performance testing of products and load testing of construction and heavy equipment (e.g. crane, hoist, elevator, forklift, etc.).
  • It is a recognized laboratory of the Bureau of Philippines Standards (BPS) of DTI for the mechanical testing of rubber inner tubes. It is the laboratory in the Division which caters to requests for Formula of Conversion (FOC) services needed by industries exporting their products.

The ITDI is among the instrumentalities that laid the groundwork, in the early years, for S&T in the country. Today, it is one of the DOST's RDIs (research and development institutes) and undertakes multidisciplinary industrial R&D, technical services, and knowledge translation or technology transfer and commercialization. ITDI harnesses know-how in new technology and product innovation, and through the years, has emerged as a credible and reliable industry and government partner in accelerating growth and development in the country.


Address: DOST-ITDI Bldg., DOST Cmpd., General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines

Contact No. : (632) 86837750 local 2182, (632) 88372071 local 2182