The ITDI Organizational Functions
In accordance with its mandate under Executive Order No. 366 dated August 26, 2009, ITDI renders a variety of scientific and technological services to its clients i.e. industry, academe etc. Specific functions vary according to divisions, as follows:
I. Support Divisions
a. Human Resource Management Section - Take charge of the human resource management functions of the institute in the areas of recruitment, selection, staff development, promotion and other personnel actions.
b. Property and Procurement Management Section - Administer the procurement requirement and maintain and safeguard the institute s properties.
c. Cashier Section - Handle collections and disbursements and prepare reports thereof.
d. Records Management Section - Maintain and control custody of all ITDI records.
2. Finance and Management Division
a. Budget Section - Prepare agency s annual financial plan.
b. Accounting Section - Administer and control utilization of fund, prepare financial reports, and comply with government fiscal rules and regulations.
3. Planning and Management Information Systems Division
a. Planning and Monitoring Section - Under the direction of the director and in coordination with the divisions of the institute, prepare overall plans and programs of the institute; Participate in the evaluation of projects in their various stages; and Design and implement a monitoring system for the projects and services, and for administrative, financial and other activities of the institute.
b. Management and information Systems - Establish and maintain an information system for the projects and services and for administrative, financial and other activities of the institute; and Maintain and manage the core computer network infrastructure of the institute.
II. Science and Technology Divisions
1. National Metrology Division (NMD)
- Establish and maintain national standards of measurements;
- Participate in the international inter-laboratory comparisons;
- Calibrate NML s standard and comparators;
- Calibrate reference standards of third party calibration laboratories;
- Calibrate high precision measuring instruments;
- Conducts precision measurements and metrological testing;
- Conduct local inter-laboratory comparisons;
- Conduct training and seminars; and
- Render technical assistance to the National Metrology Board.
2. Standards and Testing Laboratory (STD)
- Determine chemical composition and physical properties of Food and feeds, Fuel and Petroleum, Industrial Chemicals, Minerals and Fertilizers Natural Products, Paints and Allied Products and Waters
- Prepare certified reference material stock solution;
- Conduct proficiency testing programs;
- Conduct microbiological testing of the food, water, cosmetic, disinfectant/biocidal products or devices; packaging materials and allied products;
- Conduct pharmacological, toxicological and bioeffeciency testing of the plant extracts, biological, chemical formulation, pesticides and food supplements;
- Determine physical properties of materials such as rubber and leather, plastics and polymers, engineering and construction materials, paper and board and packaging materials; and
- Conduct performance testing of products.
3. Technological Services Division (TSD)
- Diffuse, transfer Institute's generated technologies, promote public awareness of the Institute's technologies/new services;
- Establish and main linkages with mass media, scientific and technology-based institutions and other organizations involved in industrial development for the promotion and transfer of technologies; and
- Enhance and maintain databases/documentation system of original ITDI research outputs and related researches from other sources for global access/information service and contribute in the planning and implementation of the Institute's programs/project.
III. Research and Development Divisions
1. Chemicals and Energy Divisions (CED)
- Develop and improve technologies on the production and performance testing of fuels from alternative and/or renewable sources taking into consideration reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
- Design, develop, and improve technologies on energy systems and efficiency and other performance testing of the same;
- Provide technical assistance on improving energy efficiency, e.g. energy audit;
- Develop and improve technologies involving the processing / synthesis of chemicals and substances of industrial and energy applications from indigenous raw materials;
- Provide technical assistance and support services e.g. extraction / characterization of fixed oils from various plant sources, use of TBI s / EM s on CME, iodized salt, etc;
- Develop and improve technologies on the production of biologically active constituents and pharmaceutical excipients from indigenous plants;
- Develop and improve technologies on the production of pharmaceutical and other formulations from natural products;
- Undertake scale-up validation studies for generated technologies from laboratory scale; and
- Develop equipment prototypes for scale processing and production.
2. Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD)
- Develop, isolate and / or screen, and characterize microorganisms for industrial applications;
- Develop and improve technologies (physical, thermal, chemical) involving the utilization of microorganisms for the production of chemicals, alternative and / or renewable fuels, materials, foods, feeds, additives, enzymes, biocides, solvents, etc. for local industries;
- Develop, isolate and/or screen, and characterize microorganisms from indigenous sources for waste treatment and other environmental concerns;
- Develop and improve technologies (physical, thermal, chemical) involving the utilization of microorganisms for waste treatment;
- Promote the integration of cleaner production principles in R&D, manufacturing and in the various sectors of industry;
- Conduct and / or facilitate technology verification on environment technologies;
- Develop CP and environmental technology verification databases; and
- Develop and improve technologies and systems involving the physical, thermal, chemical and microbial processing of waste.
3. Food Processing Division (FPD)
- Develop new / improved process food products/processes for the export market;
- Undertake research on food processing by-products utilization and application;
- Develop alternative sources of food ingredients;
- Undertake scale-up validation studies on developed food products / processes;
- Develop equipment prototypes for scale-up production / processing;
- Set up food processing facilities for Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) / Enterprises Modules (EMs) for technology transfer; and
- Participate in the development of food standards to ensure the quality safety and competitiveness of locally processed food to food processing SME s by advocating the practice of GMP and HACCP in the production lines for improved competitiveness
4. Materials Science Division (MSD)
- Undertake research and development for improving surface properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites;
- Undertake in-site analysis of surface coating failures;
- Undertake related research in corrosion monitoring and prevention;
- Provide technical support to industry and organization, e.g. research on use of local raw materials for organic coatings, inks / adhesives;
- Undertake search evaluation and adaptation of methods and technologies for characterizing and processing of new and / or advanced materials, porous materials / membranes fuel cells, composites, lightweight, high strength, nano materials and biomaterials
- Develop products, generate innovative processing techniques for polymers based composites, porous ceramics, Hag / alumina bioceramics, nano composites for local industries;
- Develop and / or upgrade technologies for adaption by local industries engaged in the production of conventional materials for the domestics and exports markets;
- Develop and / or upgrade technologies for the processing and / or recycling of solid wastes into high-value materials; and
- Develop and / or upgrade technologies for the dressing and processing of local minerals.
5. Packaging Technology Division (PTD)
- Develop appropriate package designs and / or labels for increased product viability and competitiveness;
- Provide training services related to packaging design and labeling;
- Provide packaging-related testing services, i.e. shelf life testing, packaging material-product compatibility, etc ; and
- Provide other services such as package technology improvements, identification of appropriate packaging techniques, develop and evaluate transport containers and training on shelf life testing.