As of May 2022

FESEM Imaging 7,500 6,000
FESEM Imaging with EDX Point Analysis 9,500 7,600
FESEM Imaging with EDX Line Analysis 11,500 9,200
FESEM Imaging with EDX Mapping 13,500 10,800
FIB Sectioning (30 μm W x 30 μm H um cut) with FESEM Imaging 14,000 11,200
TEM Lamella Preparation 19,000 15,200
STEM Imaging 12,000 9,600
FIB Pattern Deposition with FESEM Imaging 14,500 11,600
AES Point Analysis 9,700 7,760
AES Line Analysis 11,900 9,520
AES Mapping 16,000 12,800
AES Depth Profiling 16,000 18,800
AES Chemical State Analysis (add-on) 1,500 1,200
TOFSIMS Spectroscopy 13,300 10,640
TOFSIMS Mapping 16,400 13,120
TOFSIMS Depth Profiling 24,000 19,200
TOFSIMS 3D Mapping 26,600 21,280
FTIR Spectroscopy 5,000 4,000
FTIR Spectroscopy (no ID) 3,500 2,800
FTIR Microspectroscopy 6,500 5,200
FTIR Microspectroscopy (no ID) 5,000 4,000
Thermal Analysis REGULAR STUDENT
Differential Scanning Calorimetry 3,000 2,400
Thermogravimetric - Differential Thermal Analysis 3,000 2,400
Thermomechanical Analysis 3,200 2,560
TG-IR 8,300 6,640
Sample Preparation REGULAR STUDENT
Mechanical Preparation (Cross-Sectioning) 3,800 3,040
Ion Milling 4,500 3,600
Chemical Decapsulation 3,000 2,400
Sputter Coating 2,000 1,600
Laser Decapsulation 4,200 3,300
Laser Decapsulation with 2D X-Ray 6,800 5,400
Precision Cutting (per cut) 200 160
Optical Microscopy REGULAR STUDENT
Visual Inspection 2,000 1,600
Visual Measurement 2,000 1,600
Particle Size Analysis add-on 1,500 1,200
Non-destructive Testing REGULAR STUDENT
3D CT X-Ray Single Scan 17,400 13,900
3D CT X-Ray Bulk Price add-on 8,800 7,000
3D CT X-Ray Additional Scan add-on 9,550 7,600
3D CT X-Ray Analysis add-on 2,600 2,000
3D CT X-Ray Reference Comparison add-on 2,750 2,200
2D X-Ray Single Scan/Qualification Scan 5,800 4,600
2D X-Ray Bulk Scan with Analysis(Subsequent) 4,800 4,600
2D X-Ray Scan Only(Consequent) 3,200 2,600
Hand-Held XRF 2,200 1,800




The ITDI is among the instrumentalities that laid the groundwork, in the early years, for S&T in the country. Today, it is one of the DOST's RDIs (research and development institutes) and undertakes multidisciplinary industrial R&D, technical services, and knowledge translation or technology transfer and commercialization. ITDI harnesses know-how in new technology and product innovation, and through the years, has emerged as a credible and reliable industry and government partner in accelerating growth and development in the country.


Address: DOST-ITDI Bldg., DOST Cmpd., General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines

Contact No. : (632) 86837750 local 2182, (632) 88372071 local 2182