Year 2025
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Rehabilitation of ITDI Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) (Incore Builders & Development.)
- Renovation of Microflow Laboratory in Relation to the Project "Facility for Optimized Calibration of Infusion System (Focus) (ENSA Builders & Construction.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Graphite Furnace and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Accessories (Instrumix Supplier Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Redundancy of Existing HP Procurve switch 5406zl for high availability and server capability (Upgraded version HPE Aruba Networking 5406 zl2) (MICROGENESIS BUSINESS SYSTEMS.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Building Upgrading the Electrical System of the Food Processing Division (FPD)(Vibrant Communication Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (2) sets Gauge Blocks (MESCO INC.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Pallet 3D Printer (DIGITAL MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS INC.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Paste Extrusion 3D Printer System (GEMARC ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Concrete 3D printer with continuous feeding system and pumping system (GABIGROUP INC.)
Year 2024
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Administration of Pneumococcal vaccine 13-valent (PCV13) (Pharma Quest Co.)
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI Building- Rehabilitation of FPD Pilot Plant Loading Bay as Demo Araer for Mobile Modular Food Processing Facility (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope with EDX and EBSD detector analyzer (Jatec Philippine Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of one (1) lot Portable 3D Scanner (Norde International Distributors.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of one (1) lot Portable 3D Scanner (Norde International Distributors.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of one (1) lot Laboratory scale Vacuum Furnace for Debinding and Sintering (Instrumix Supplier.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of one (2) Unit Analytical Semi-microbalance (Chomar Unitrade Services Co LTD.)
- Repair and Renovation of Old Pharmaceutical Section Laboratory (Brick House) of the Chemicals and Energy Division (CED) DOST-ITDI to Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) Laboratory with Positive and Negative Pressure Rooms for the Implementation of the Virology and vaccine Research Development Program (VRP) (Cisco Engineering Industries)
- Repair and Renovation of EBD Pilot Plant for the Establishment of the Biodegradability Eco-Toxicity and Compostability laboratory (BEC Lab) (RITVIT Construction and Development Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Xenon Arc Test Chamber- (Vernice Analytical Technologies.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Multi-fluorescence and Chemiluminescence Imaging System (Prince of Love Trading.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Particle Size analyzer (XPRT Ventures Incorporated.)
- Repair and Renovation of Selected Rooms/ Laboratory of Standars and Testing (ENSA Builders & Contruction.)
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI Building-CED Therapeutic Laboratory and Staff Room (Parametric Engineering and Construction.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Unit UV Weathering Test Chamber (Gryke Scientific Instruments Trading.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Unit Environmental Test Chamber (Temperature/Humidity) (Chemhub Technologies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Mass Flowmeter with Accessories (Unotronix Inc10-10)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Rotary Evaporator (Dakila Trading Corporation.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Unit Luminometer (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Unit UV Weathering Test Chamber (Chemhub Technologies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) set Molecular Distillation Equipment (Chemhub Technologies .)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Micro Balance with Accessories (Analytical and Sample Prep Machines Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Mass Flowmeter (Mesurements and Controls Technology Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Horizontal Fire Tube Steam Boiler (System Processor and Construction Corporation.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Analytical Balance with Accessories (Analytical and Sample Prep Machines Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Unit UV Weathering Test Chamber (Chemhub Technologies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Syringe Pump System with Accessories (Unotronix Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Differential Pressure Manometer System (Unotronix Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Lot Infusion Pump Analyzer System with Accessories (Unotronix Inc)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Handling Machine- (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Multiplex Capsid Titer Gene Therapy System- (Prince of Love Trading)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Plate Reader/Microplate Reader- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator with accessories- (Brownstone Asia-Tech Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (2) lot Table-Top/Bench -Top Temperature and Humidity Chamber- (CM Vargas Enterprise.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Multiwavelength Spectrophotometer (with accessories)- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Upgrading of the Electrical Systems of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD) Building (Vibrant Communication Inc)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (2) lot Biosafety Cabinet Level 2 System- (Fia Medical Supply Inc)
- Laboratory Services for Immune Response Validation Assay- (Alvtechnologies Philippines Inc)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot SDS-PAGE with accessories for western blot system- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Refrigerated Centrifuge System- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot High-Pressure Homogenizer System- (Rainphil, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Programmable Shear- (Prince Valiant International Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Horizontal Plastic Injection Molding Machine- (Hi-tech Instruments Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Oligosynthesizer- (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) system Multimode Microplate Reader- (Microgenetix )
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot -150 degrees Ultra-low Freezer System- (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit in-line reagent Integrated Dispensing System - (Pro Maintech Consultancy Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Vacuum Glove Box with Pass box- (Katrin Field Incorporated)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Consulting Services for the Electrical Assessment and Design for Upgrading of Electrical Assessment and Design for Upgrading of Electrical System of the Food Processing Division (FPD), Material Science Division (MSD) and Pharmaceutical Buildings- (LMPR Electrical Supplies and Services)
- Repair and Renovation of Old Pharmaceutical Section Laboratory (Brick House) of the Chemicals and Energy Division (CED) DOST-ITDI - Consulting Services for the Detailed Design og the Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) Laboratory with Positive and Negative Pressure Rooms for the Implementation of the Virology and Vaccine Institute of the Philippines (VIP)- (Asyana Construction Consultancy & Trading)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot High Throughput/Output 3D Printing Filament Extruder Line (GabiGroup)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Building: SPTL/GP Lower Ground Parking Area for the Establishment of the Packaging Safety Laboratory- (J.R.C.F Construction)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Microwave Digestion System- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Direct Mercury Analyzer (Thermal, Decomposition, Amalgamation and ASS)- (Dynalab Corporation)
- Supply and Delivery of One (1) lot Customized qPCR Kit- (Yana Chemodities Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Protein Purification System- (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit 32 Footer Customized Truck (Aseptic Module) - Mobile Modular Food Processing Facility (MMFPF)- (NSB Engineering Design & Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Real-time PCR Machine- (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of GPL, SPTL, Pilot Plant, PTD Main Building- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of STD Facilities, including Main Door and Insectary- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of Exterior Walls, Conference Rooms and Office of the Chief (OC) of the Environment and Biotechnology Division- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Fuel Cell Test Station- (Sigmatech Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Microwave Digestion System- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit High Performance Liquid Chromatography System with accessories- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES)- (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ultralow Freezer- (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Microcentrifuge- (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)- (Goldquest Biotechnologies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Phase Contrast Inverted Microscope- (Goldquest Biotechnologies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Centrifuge- (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Supply of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Renovation of Storage Facility for COA Documents- (Incore Bulders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of one (1) unit Gel Documentation System (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Five (5) units Boom Crane Truck (Articulated)- (The Legacy Trucks and Tractors Inc.)
Year 2023
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Gel Documentation System- (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Inhalation Exposure Equipment /System (with Complete Accessories) - (CM Vargas Enterprise)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit UPLC-MALDI-TOF (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography - Matrix -Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization - Time of Flight)- (Rainphil, Inc)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Two (2) units Semi-micro Analytical Balance- (Labtraders, Inc)
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI Building: Repair and Renovation of Admin and Finance Division, Metrology Building- (Incore Bulders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot TGA with Gas Transfer Line Compatible with Perkin Clarus GC-MS- (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Renovation of 2nd Floor, Upper Ground Floor Person With Disability (PWD) & Lower Ground Floor Restroom Including Slop Sinks & Division Chiefs Pantry in the Environment and Biotechnology, ITDI Building- (H.S. Acorda Mechanical Electricals Maintenance Services)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit High Performance Liquid Chromatography- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit PM Mass Monitor- (BP Integrated Technologies, Inc.)
- Installation, Assembly, Testing and Commissioning of Streetlights Adjacent to ITDI Building- (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ion Chromatography System for Anions and Cations (Electrobyte Environmental Concerns Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Direct Mercury Analyzer (Thermal Decomposition, Amalgamation and AAS)- (Guill-Bern Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit X-ray Crystallography- (Molave Trading Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of Food Safety Labroatory in Standards and Testing Division- (Incore Builders & Development)
- Renovation of Cell Culture Laboratory- (ILAB Turkey Industries, Inc.)
- Renovation of Laboratories (Sequencing and Microbiology Room)- (ILAB Turkey Industries, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Photodiode Array Detector- (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Labor, Materials, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Fabrication of wind tunnel assembly (Modular Design) - (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Protein separation & immunodetection systems- (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Flow Cytometer with Cell Sorter- (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Simulation Software- (Maximum Solutions Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Gene Synthesizer- (LKT Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-MS/MS- (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of NML Building in relation to the project "Design and Development of a Subsonic Wind Tunnel System for Airspeed Realization and Calibration" - (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit complete set UHT/HTST Aspetic Processing and Packaging Line for processing of different liquid food products both viscous and non-viscous such as dairy milk; vegetable juices and purees; coconut water, milk and cream; broths, soups and gravies at a capacity of 100 liters per hour of higher- (GTC Propack Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit HDT/Vicat Testing Machine- (Gryke Scientific Instruments Trading)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Microbial Cell Counter- (Diamed Enterprise)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) set Data Logger- (Cleanworld Trading & Supplies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit HEPA Negative Pressure System for Existing Laboratory- (Cisco Engineering Industries)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer- (Chemisphere Lab Sciences Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Benchtop Automated DNA extraction system- (Biokits Philippines, Inc.)
- Labor, Materials, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Fabrication of wind tunnel assembly (Modular Design) - (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Oligo synthesizer- (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Gene Synthesizer- (LKT Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (PDA, Flourescence, RID with post derivatization unit)- (Instumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography - (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Type 1 (Ultra Pure Water System- (Alcaport Trade)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Surface Plasmon Resonance Refractometer - (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Optical Microscope - (Goldquest Biotechnologies, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Laboratory Furniture and Fixtures - (Grimit Laboratory Furnitures & Equipment Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Laser Doppler Anemometer System - (UNOTRONIX Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Liquid Nitrogen Generator - (ULVAC Singapore Pte Ltd Philippines Branch)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Nuclei Acid Extraction - (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Western Blot System - (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Generator Set - (Isometric Enterprises)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) set Data Logger - (Cleanworld Trading & Supplies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit RT-PCR Thermal Cycler - (CAS Color Application Specialist)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings: Repair/Renovation of Selected Offices and Laboratory of Metrology Building - (Incore Builders & Developement)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of Two (2) units Generator Set - (Power Access Electrical Services)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Generator Set - (Power Access Electrical Services)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Electric Deep Frying Machine (off-the-shelf) - (GTC Propack Corporation)
- Repair and Renovation of DOST-ITDI KM (Knowledge Management) Platform for STI (Science, Technology and Innovation), Culture and Arts (DOST-ITDI KM-STICA) - (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Consulting Services for Electrical Assessment and Design for Upgrading Electrical System of the Environmental and Biotechnology Division (EBD), ITDI-DOST Bicutan Taguig City - (Asyana Construction Consultancy and Trading.)
- Procurement of the ITDI Janitorial Services - (Excellent General Services Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Multi-process Pilot/Laboratory/R&D Retort or Autoclave with Overpressure (counterpressure) for thermal processing bottled, canned, and pouched food products - (Merit Stainless Steel Incorporated)
- Supply of Labor and Materials for the Fabrication, Installation and Delivery on One (1) lot 32-Footer Customized Truck (Frying Module) - (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Four (4) units Industrial Grinder - (Humil International Corporation)
- Repair and Maintenance, Improvement of ITDI Buildings: Repair/Renovation of West Wing Comfort Rooms and Construction of New Septic Tank of the Standards and Testing Division (STD) - (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Retort, Water Spray (Fully Automatic) - (Machinelab Technology Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Generator Set-VIP 3 - (Power Access Electrical Services)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Generator Set-VIP 1 - (Power Access Electrical Services)
- Repair and Maintenance, Improvement of ITDI Buildings: Materials Science Division (MSD) Office and Laboratory Facilities - (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply of Labor and Materials for the Fabrication, Installation and Delivery on One (1) lot 32-Footer Customized Truck (Drying Module) - (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply of Labor and Materials for the Fabrication, Installation and Delivery on One (1) lot 32-Footer Customized Truck (Retort Module) - (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
Year 2022
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Gas Filter Correlation CO Analyzer (BP Integrated Technologies, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Automated Nuclei Acid Extraction Machine (Golden Bat (Far East), Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) lot Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV)/Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System for Animal Facility (Merit Stainless Steel Incorporated)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Confocal Microscope (Goldquest Biotechnologies, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) set Laboratory Scale Supercritical Fluid Extractor (ITS Science (Phils), Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Inverted Microscope (Goldquest Biotechnologies, Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI building-Consulting Services for the Lower Ground of the SPTL and GPL Building for the Establishment of the Packaging Technology Division, ITDI-DOST Taguig City (Asyana Construction Consultancy and Trading)
- Supply and Delivery of Five (5) units Multipurpose Van (MCX International Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) set Sanger Sequencer (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Cell ruptor using microbeads (Noveaulab Asia Corp.)
- Repair and Renovation of TEM Laboratory of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (ILAB Turnkey Industries, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of Eight (8) units Cabinet Dryer (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Heavy Duty Autoclave with Integrated Steam Generator (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ultralow Freezer (Drake Marketing and Equipment Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of Eight (8) units Cabinet Dryer (NSB Engineering Design and Fabrication)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Vacuum Fryer (off-the-shelf) (Machinelab Technology, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Flow Cytometer (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) pc Automatic Colony Counter and Viewer (Golden Bat (Far East), Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of Two (2) lot SolidWorks Software License (Maximum Solutions Corporation)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Gel Documentation System with Colony Counting Feature (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) set Automated Electrophoresis System (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Lyophilizer (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Spectrophotometer Nanoscale (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Microwave extractor for fragrances (Guill-Bern Corporation)
- Repair and Renovation of TEM Laboratory of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (ILAB Turnkey Industries, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Fumehood (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) unit Real-Time PCR (Medical Test Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of One (1) set Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope with Image Analysis Software and Workstation (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Gel Documentation System (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Passenger Van (Toyota Pasong Tamo Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Multipurpose Vehicle (Toyota Pasong Tamo Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Lyophilizer (Pro Maintech Consultancy Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) set Next-generator Sequencer (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Double-head Standard PCR Machine (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit QRT-PCR with Complete Accessories (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Spectrophotometer Nanoscale (ITS Science Phils, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit High Speed Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge, Floor Mount (Molave Trading Co.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Biological Safety Cabinet (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Sequencer (Diamed Enterprise)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Biosafety Cabinet Class III (Drake Marketing Corp.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Ultralow Freezer (-80 degree celsius) (Molave Trading Co.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge (Floor TYpe) with different Rotors (Molave Trading Co.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Refrigerated Ultracentrifuge (Molave Trading Co.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Flourescent Cell Imager (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Microtome (Maedan Enterprise)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) set Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope with Image Analysis Software and Workstation (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Indoor Curing Storage Room in Sapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Moncada, Tarlac (Merit Stainless Steel Incorporated)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in Benguet Cold Chain, La Trinidad, Benguet (Merit Stainless Steel Incorporated)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Indoor Pre-cooling Chamber in Benguet Cold Chain, La Trinidad, Benguet (Merit Stainless Steel Incorporated)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in Sapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Moncada, Tarlac (Merit Stainless Steel Incorporated)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Instrumix Supplier Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Crossover Utility Vehicle (CUV) (Toyota Bicutan Paranaque)
- Supply, Delivery, Labor, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Passenger Van (Toyota Pasong Tamo Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in Davao Food Terminal Complex in Davao City (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Cold Storage Room in ITDI-PTD Bicutan, Taguig City (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) Indoor Vegetable Cold Storage in Agrizkaya Cooperative Federation in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Citrus Cold Storage in Agrizkaya Cooperative Federation in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Fabrication, Supply and Installation of One (1) lot Indoor Pre-cooling Chamber in Agrizkaya Cooperative Federation in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya (Cold Front Technologies Asia, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Multi-Mode Microplate Reader with Nanodrop Software, Computer and UPS (RainPhil Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Universal Testing Machine (Instrumix Supplier Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (Instrumix Supplier Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Buildings-Rehabilitation of Electrical System of the Standards and Testing Division (STD) Building (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Real Time PCR (Medical Test Systems)
- Repair/Renovation of the National Metrology Laboratory Building (NML) (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) unit Lyophilizer (ITS Science (Phils.) Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of the Selected Offices/Staff Rooms, Laboratories and Facilities of the Environment and Biotechnology Division (EBD) (Incore Builders & Development)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Two (2) units Portable Gene Sequencer (Diamed Enterprise)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) lot Electrospinning Machine, Vertical Set-up, Automated (Alvtechnologies Philippines Incorporated)
- Capillary Rheometer- 1 Lot (Instrumix Supplier Inc.)
Year 2021
- Converting Machine for Bioplastic Film (Pilot Scale)- 1 Lot (Agree Development Trade Inc.)
- Pressure Calibrator complete with Accessories- 1 Unit (Inno Cart Int'l Corp)
- High Pressure Storage Chamber- 1 Set (Gryke Scientific Instrument Trading)
- Rotary Evaporator- 1 Set (ChemHub Technologies Inc.)
- Power Quality Analyzer & Motor Analyzer- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Temperature Data Loggers with Accessories- 1 Lot (EESI Material & Controls Corporation)
- Spray Dryer-Fabricated- 1 Unit (GECAR Machine Solutions, Inc.)
- Thermal Validation System - 3 Sets (Grimit Laboratory & Furnitures Corp.)
- Back Up Generator Set- 1 Lot (Licht Industrial Corporation)
- Transmission Electron Microscope- 1 Unit (JATEC Philippines Corporation)
- Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Machine with Data Analysis Software, Computer and Printer- 1 Set (Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies Inc.)
- Superficial Fluid Chromatograph with Fraction Collector - 1 Lot (RainPhil Inc.)
- Chilled Mirror Hygrometer with Accessories - 1 Unit (Unotronix Inc.)
- Repair and Renovation of ITDI-Buildings and Other Structures: Additional Works for MIC Facilities (SMP New Royal Taipan)
- Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) pc of Automatic Coating Machine Application (Gryke Scientific Instrument Trading)
- Design and Build of Infrastructure Project for the Repair of ITDI Buildings - CED Energy Pilot Plant for the Establishment of Fuel Cell R&D and Testing Facility of CED ITDI-DOST (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Supply and Delivery of Labor and Materials for the Repair/Renovation of the Standards and Testing Division (STD) (ENSA Builders & Construction)
- Supply, Delivery, Installtion and Commissioning of One (1) Unit Inverted Microscope (Omnibus Bio-Medical Systems, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of ITDI Building - Waterproofing of Concrete Roofing at MMIC/CED Building (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Server Computers - 2 units (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- Repair/Renovation of PTD Building - Installation of Solar Panels (Vastcon Asia Construction, Inc.)
- Office and Laboratory Furniture and Fixtures - 1 Lot - (Ergo Contracts Philippines, Inc.)
Year 2020
- Mixer for Powder and Accessories- 1 Lot (Repassa Foodgrade Industrial Supplies Corp)
- DC Reference Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- DC Voltage Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Amplifier for Multifunction Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Multifunction Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- AC/DC Transfer Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Microsoft Domain Controller and Client Access - 1 Lot (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- 8 1/2 Digital Multimeter - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- 7 1/2 Digital Nanovolt Meter - 2 Units (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Transconductance Amplifier - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Reference Transfer Standard - 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Antivirus Subscription- 500 Units (Commsource Systems and Integrated Solutions, Inc.)
- Rack Mount Server - 4 Units (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- Network Firewall - 1 Unit (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)ense - 1 Lot (Microgenesis Software, Inc.)
- 166 license Microsoft Office 2019 Standard Open License Program (OLP - Perpetual License) and 42 license Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus OPen License Program (OLP - Perpetual License) - 1 Lot (Tekzone Computer Sales and Services, Inc.)
- 8 1/2 Digital Multimeter - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Calibrator - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- AC Shunts - 1 Lot (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Shunts - 5 Units (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Amplifier - 1 Unit (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- Multi-Function Calibrator - 2 Units (Presidium.Ph Corporation)
- AC Measurement Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- AC/DC Transfer Standard- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Null Detector- 1 Unit (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- Resistance Standard- 4 Units (Labtraders, Inc.)
- Resistance Standard Air Type- 18 Units (Labtraders, Inc.)
- DC Voltage Standards and DC Reference Standards- 4 Units (Chromar Uni-Trade)
- 16-Channel Low Thermal Quad Scanner - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Automated Potentiometer Binary Voltage Divider - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Bench-Top Oil Bath - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- DCC Bridge High Current Range Extenders - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- DCC Resistance Bridge - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Hamon Type Resistance Transfer - 1 Lot (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Standard Resistor, Oil-Type - 12 Units (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Standard Resistor, Air-Type - 6 Units (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Temperature Controlled Standard Resistor Air Bath - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Transfer Standard DMM 8 1/2 Multimeter - 1 Unit (Unotronix, Inc.)
- Desktop Computer with UPS - 158 Units (Tekzone Computer Sales and Services, Inc.)
Year 2019
- Hardness Calibration Machine- 1 Lot (EESI Material and Controls Corporation)
- Repair and Improvement-Extension Laboratory and Room for MIC (LDV Construction)
- Incubator and Accessories - 4 Units (Golden Bat(Far East), Inc.)
- Automatic Colony Counter - 1 Unit (Golden Bat(Far East), Inc.)
- Freeze Drying Unit - 1 Unit (Dakila Trading Corp.)
- Microbalance with Computer Accessories - 1 Unit (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Power House Provision for Energization, Competion of Airconditioning/Ventilation and Water Supply System to include Main Entrance Canopy for CED Building (OCM Steel Corporation)
- HPLC and Accessories - 1 Lot (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) System - 1 Lot (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Repair of PTD Buildings (RITVIT Construction and Development Corp.)
- Storage Chamber - 1 Lot (Yana Chemodities, Inc.)
- Molecular Detection System - 1 Lot (GRB Enterprises, Inc.)
- Respiration Meter for Fresh Produce - 1 Lot (Systems Controls Instrumentations, Inc.)
- Microbalance and Accessories - 1 Lot (Instrumix Supplier, Inc.)
- Repair and Maintenance of Buildings and Other Structures (MIC-B) (R.V. Laborte Builders)
- Freeze Dryer- 1 Unit (Dakila Trading Corporation)
- Gas Chromatography Spectrometer and Accessories - 1 Lot (ITS Science Phils., Inc.)