1. Development and Provision of Proficiency Test Scheme in Shrimp Product for Local Microbiological Laboratories |
2. Capability Enhancement of Local Laboratories in the Determination of Inorganic Toxic Elements in Aquacultured Milkfish through Proficiency Testing Scheme |
3. Development of Real-Time Data Acquisition Program for High Accuracy Machine Indicators using Artificial Neural Network |
4. Design And Development Of A Subsonic Wind Tunnel System For Airspeed Realization And Calibration |
5. Enhancing the Quality of Measurement of Local Testing Laboratories in the Philippines for the Analysis of Toxic Elements in Mussels through Proficiency Testing Scheme |
6. Upgrading High-capacity Manual Mass Comparators through Development of an Automated Rotary Multi-Position Weighing System |
7. Enhancement of the Competence and Capabilities of the National Metrology Laboratory of the Philippines Project 1 : Chemical Metrology for Organic Contaminants in Food and Water Project 2 : Chemical Metrology for Inorganic Toxic Elements in Food and Water Project 3 : Biological Metrology for Microorganisms in Food Project 4: Strengthening the Physical Metrology Capabilities of the National Metrology Laboratory (NML) |