Environment Related Facilities

Waste Management Laboratory

The Waste Management Section conducts Research and Development for the mitigation of different laboratory waste streams to make sure laboratories comply with Environment Management Guidelines. Likewise, it performs knowledge transfer on the appropriate ways to handle and dispose Hazardous Waste


Pilot Plant - Biodigester

Biogas technology is an environment friendly, low-cost treatment solution, to the growing problems, generated by the animal industries, and municipal garbage. The DOST-ITDI has developed a portable biogas digester which can be used not only for animal waste but also for household or food waste.

Pilot Plant - Dual Drum Composter

DOST-ITDI had developed a small-scale composting machine to cater those waste sources generating small volume of biodegradable waste, this is the dual-drum composter. The dual drum composter can be used by barangays, schools, universities, small villages or compound, small farms, and institutions or agencies generating small amount of organic wastes.





The ITDI is among the instrumentalities that laid the groundwork, in the early years, for S&T in the country. Today, it is one of the DOST's RDIs (research and development institutes) and undertakes multidisciplinary industrial R&D, technical services, and knowledge translation or technology transfer and commercialization. ITDI harnesses know-how in new technology and product innovation, and through the years, has emerged as a credible and reliable industry and government partner in accelerating growth and development in the country.


Address: DOST-ITDI Bldg., DOST Cmpd., General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines

Contact No. : (632) 86837750 local 2182, (632) 88372071 local 2182